
potret keluarga :)

its my family potret. potret keluarga ku yg ku rindui. i sure miss them a lot.
another few month and they ll gone..

badar 313.. nama diberi sempena perang badar tentera muslimin yg cuma 313 org je mase tu.
n menang. hebat betul didikan rasulullah s.a.w..

nak cakap nye, yg aku sebenanye mula tertarik dgn mereka adalah kerana akk naqibah ku.
yup, that's the starter.. wpun hakikatnye dye xtau pun.. but i really adore her.
org nye biasa2 shj, namun sentuhannya luarbiasa..of course Allah yg membuka hati.
namun dia menjadi asbabnya. org lain.. bahkan org yg mula2 pun.. aku pada mula nya tidak 
tertarik.. heh~ (jahat betul diri ini)

kemudian aku berfikir... betapa pentingnya akhlak yg baik.. betul.. akhlak yg baik
memang selalu lebih mampu utk menarik hati2 manusia..xkira betapa tingginye ilmu seseorang,
tingginye level, dll, tapi tnpa ketinggian akhlak, hm sukar utk mereka menarik hati manusia..
sungguh ! kak n mmg manis mcm susu strawberry. (perlu ke?he)

act nk igtkan diri sndiri yg x bpe berakhlak baik neh..sobs~ hmm nk jadi cam akk naqibah..
akk n mmg best.. wpun mungkin ilmunye xstinggi mggunung, nmun aku dpt merasakan sentuhan
hati nye yg suci itu.. (ceywah)

xde la.. mungkin kerana aku pernah berjumpa org yg berilmu tggi tapi akhlak dye cam..
err... xpela.. hew2~ mungkin Allah sedang mengujinya.. dan mase Allah mengujinye kebetulan aku
nmpak pula. dush~!

the moral of the story is, keep improving urself la.. n i will never forget those
precious meeting with them expecially kak n.. my journey is gonna be long, n those yesterday
memories will always stick in my mind.. :)

this road is sure a very long road.. tapi bile teringat perkara silam, yakni saat aku mula 
berkenalan dgn "dunia" ini, mcm2 org pun jmpe.. pelik2 la yg ramai.. alhamdulillah at last
i find the right track. :) wpun byarannya adalah dosa, fitnah, penipuan, dll which is aku kire mahal,
utk dpt kan this right track, tapi rasenye berbaloi baloi! he~

alhamdulillah ya Allah.. sweet sgt la Allah ni.. :D

dan rentetan bayaran yg mahal itu, telah dtg berbanyak2 rezeqi berupa dot dot dot,
dan dot. haha. xdelah dot sgt.. alhamdulillah~

mmg Allah maha pemurah dan sgt sweet~ <3 (rse nk nanges bile igt. sobs2~ )

akk2 badar mmg sweet, tapi Allah lagi sweet~! :D


to the fullest

we all live under the same sky, but we don't all have the same horizon... 

some might laugh today, but others might be crying.. whatever happen, just lay it on Him..why bother to share with human when they are also created by Him...?

but im not saying that it is wrong.. but carpenter is the most expert person in shoes right..

"And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive ( to Allah ) "

al baqarah: 45



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